
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time flies

It is funny how you can blink and notice that a lot of time has flown by. These days have kept us busy. Hubby is off to his new command. The girls are gearing up to for cookie season and my boy is working hard to finish all his work in scouts too. We are all dreaming of summer time leisure and maybe some spring fun too. For now though it is a lot of hugs, movies and waiting. Enjoying our time to be close as much as we can.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ending a chapter

Three years ago I was closing the chapter before this one. We had just closed on our new house and I was finishing the cleaning of our old house so that the kids and I could be moved and settled before hubby came home from deployment. Another set of orders has come through, another deployment is on our horizon and moves are a whole other story we have lots to discuss about. For now life is one day at a time trying to enjoy any and all moments we have.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Today my husband took part in welcoming new Chiefs to the brotherhood.  This tradition is just one of many the United States Navy is steeped in.  This year my children attended with me.  My youngest (also the photographer for this post), looked at me and said, " Mommy, this is boring."

A tradition that turns out great leaders.  One that brings tears of pride for the hard work and many hours put forth.  Knowing that your Chief will never be the same person.  They are more.  They are looked up to and called upon by all.

When my husband was pinned I knew life would be different.  I knew expectations would change.  I knew his commitment was worth it, every second.  What I did not know is that every year as the new class is pinned I would tear up.  I know the emotions, pride, joy and overwhelming awe these families are going through.  I am looking at a sailor who is forever changed.  You can see in their eyes that they also know they are forever changed.

It is a life and a family you do not expect and cannot describe.  You can only feel it and live it.  I looked at my youngest and while rubbing her back told her, "no honey, this is tradition."