
Friday, October 28, 2011

Lewis River Academy

It is the start of a new school year, sort of, we are finishing up our second month in.  This year is slightly different though.  We are still using K12 which we find to be an amazing curriculum.  This year though we are using our local school district.

Our local school realized there were a lot of homeschool and school at home families in the area so they set out to service us.  They did the ground work and conducted many meetings and serveys to get our input about what would be helpful.  I have to admit that I have not heard of schools doing this too often these days.

The result is Lewis River Academy, here on it referred to as LRA.  LRA is a K-12 school using the K12 curriculum for grades K-8 and APEX for high school.  More importantly this program uses the parents to get a better picture of where the kids are truly at. 

I truly enjoyed our previous program that used K12 curriculum.  I now have more freedoms though and more oppurtunities for my kids to participate in the local community. 

Change is never easy and I was really nervous to change something that was working.  However we made the leap and could not be happier. 

The most important thing I have learned is to trust my instincts with my little ones.  Change is hard but can also be very rewarding.  Wishing everyone a wonderful school year with their little loves.