
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Mommy, you are best Mommy"

As I cleaned out my house today I ran across little strips of papers and notes from my oldest telling me how I wonderful I am.  That I am "the best Mommy ever".  and many other sweet things that young children write to their parents. 

It got me thinking though.  I have never felt like I am the best, or wonderful or anything close.  I have always felt like I missed the mark somehow.  I can see all my imperfections, and what a wretched person I can be.  But my kids either do not see it, or choose not to.

Then I thought more.  I thought about how they feel I am so great simply because I am their Mom.  The person who helped to bring them to life, who has fed them, and cared for them and nurtured them.  Loved them and sheltered them.  I could do much less and in my child's eyes I would still be wonderful.

How is it that children can do this so easily and so willingly and adults cannot?  How is that we have a hard time remember that God is perfect, and loves us, shelters us, cares for us.  He is there when we are sad and down and cry out to Him for his help and guidance.  And like any good parent He does what is right for us.  But you know He is there when we are happy and over filled with joy too.  I am going to take the time today to thank Him for remembering me when I do good or when I do bad and always doing right by me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Music to my ears

I have learned this week that there are certain sounds in summer that I enjoy.

The ice cube maker continuously crushing ice for my loves. This reminds me that they are smart and know to get as much water as they like. It also nourishes/hydrates them and keeps extra sugars out of them.

Cleaning. I have been very strict about cleaning the last two days and today I loved hearing the vacuum quite often. I went downstairs to find my littlest (4 years old) vacuuming inside my couches, with out being asked or told to do so. It has not been easy the last couple of days but that made me smile.

Chalk on the sidewalk. I love it, and I love to see how pretty the colors are.

Kids at a playground. Because children really are meant to play and enjoy one another.

Silence. At the end of the night when all the last sneaky hugs are done, "but it is not dark yet" protests are over, and the last "I love you's" are said I love the silence that falls so peacefully across my house.

What sounds do you enjoy in the summer?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Service and love

While attending church today I heard a great sermon on service and love.  1 Corinthians chapter 13.  The whole chapter is a great read and many times just verses 4-7 get looked upon as advice for your marriage. 

Today the pastor talked about how the chapter is about giving for love.  Not giving or being of service to get something out of it but simply because you love the person, the job, the purpose.  What ever the reason is  you are there to better something or someone, not yourself.  It was a great perspective to think about.

Too often I have seen people volunteer their time and the only reason seems to be because they want recognition.  I rarely see a person volunteer just because they love helping or want to make something better.  While I am sure it is true that we all get good feelings for volunteering it should not be the reason we do it.

I am guilty of wanting to run when a job gets too hard.  When I feel like that is all that I can handle I want to quit being of service.  It was nice to hear that maybe when I volunteered for those things I was not doing so out of love.  I hope to get the chance to look at those things more closely and re-examine why I am volunteering myself.  What do I get from it and want from it?  I hope to have the chance to do it out of love next time around.