
Thursday, August 29, 2013


It almost seems like any other day, this one is not though.  It is the last Thursday of August.  The last Thursday before I start the school year officially.  The last one to remind me how incredibly busy I am when summer time is over.  Thursday.

All my failed summer plans, all my big ideas.  Today is a reminder that time is short.  It has been a lot to take in.

Today is also for reflection.  Time to reflect in what I did right.  What I have  learned.  How I have grown.  Time to make new plans and be purposeful in what I feel needs to be done.

It is a day to be grateful.  Grateful to have my needs met and some of my wants.  For the ability to help others.  For having three small hearts to guide and love.  Grateful I have the best person by my side to help me when I stumble.

Thankful.  Today I am thankful for a new day to get up and move forward.

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