
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Music to my ears

I have learned this week that there are certain sounds in summer that I enjoy.

The ice cube maker continuously crushing ice for my loves. This reminds me that they are smart and know to get as much water as they like. It also nourishes/hydrates them and keeps extra sugars out of them.

Cleaning. I have been very strict about cleaning the last two days and today I loved hearing the vacuum quite often. I went downstairs to find my littlest (4 years old) vacuuming inside my couches, with out being asked or told to do so. It has not been easy the last couple of days but that made me smile.

Chalk on the sidewalk. I love it, and I love to see how pretty the colors are.

Kids at a playground. Because children really are meant to play and enjoy one another.

Silence. At the end of the night when all the last sneaky hugs are done, "but it is not dark yet" protests are over, and the last "I love you's" are said I love the silence that falls so peacefully across my house.

What sounds do you enjoy in the summer?

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