
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Camping......with a few amenities."

This happened last week but was quite an adventure anyway.

On a Wednesday our movers rolled away with their big truck and all our household belongings.  They were going to be at my new house, just 3 hours away on Friday, sometime.

I decided that would make for a good night's rest and some light gathering of our things that had been getting spread through out the old house.  So we eat dinner and get jammies on.  Time to camp out in our old house for probably the last time.  Then we get up the next day and get things ready to leave.

We are waiting for Auntie to arrive because she is going to drive our second car to our new home for us.  Once she gets there we load the cars up and buckle in the kids.  We are on our way.  It is now about 4 pm and we need to fill both cars with gas.  So at the gas station we call and see is Grandma would like company for dinner.

A couple of hours later we are at Grandma's.  We are tired and only have about half way left to go.  We are all excited to go stay our first night in the new house.  Take showers and get ready for the movers to come with our stuff.  After a short visit we say our good byes and get on the road again.

Sadly the weather is not great and causes us to drive more slowly.  Our 3 hour trip has officially turned into about 6 hours.  We get into the house and go potty. Uh-oh the toilets will not flush.  Turn on the faucets, those do not run.  Play with pipes below, and look around the outside.  There is no water to be had.

Decisions, decisions.  Do we stay in our new house with no water or rent a hotel room and deal with it in the morning.  After about 30 seconds of thought we have decided to finish unloading the cars and then make our way to Safeway.  We are going to buy gallons of water instead.  This should get us by until I can talk to the water people.

While at the store we had to answer some important questions.  How many gallons will it take to flush the toilet?  We decided on 5 gallons to be safe.  How many flushes will we need until the water people can come take care of it?  We decided if we follow the "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" policy we only need 5 flushes.  So 25 gallons of water plus two for cleaning and case for drinking.

As soon as we get home it was time to flush the toilet since we could not expect the kids to wait.  Good news it only takes 2.5 gallons we now have 9 flushes left.  We all know not to flush the toilet and get to bed.

The next morning I go to the water people and find it was a simple paper error and they will be out in the afternoon to turn it back on.  While waiting "Auntie" turns to me and says, "You know, this is like camping....with a few amenities."


Unknown said...

Cute story!

Unknown said...

Thank you. This move has been a small adventure for us.