
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Funny how time flies

Funny how one day can pass and then two, next thing you know it has been a month or even a year.  Life sure does get busy.  What have I been up to since October of 2011?  Well mostly every day stuff but let's see if I can recap and catch everyone up.

The kids new school program LRA (Lewis River Academy) has been a huge success.  It is the perfect blending for our family of schooling at home and schooling with teachers.  Since starting the school has built a science program that many of our families take part in and love.  Science was never my thing anyway and this gives a great time for team work for my kids (I know they have other opportunities but this, one works for us).  Our school has moved buildings a few times and was luck enough to procure a classroom space for this current school year (2012-2013).  But alas we were really too big and have outgrown it already so we are shopping for new ideas.  I cannot wait to find out the final details on those plans.  As with any school we have had growing pains.  We had a very rough go at getting curriculum handed out in the Fall so we put our heads together and have a much better plan for returning it this June and then handing it out in the Fall.  I am quite excited.

In the Spring of 2012 our children all entered their first ever sport, Little League!!!  We are in our second year and having a great time.  The kids have been blessed with good coaches, new friends and lots of fun.  Watching them build their skills from year to year has been amazing and fun as well.  It has become a bit of a family affair with us all finding reasons to go play catch or hit a ball around.

The kids have all been busy with scouts too.  Alexis bridged to Cadette in June of 2012 and while at Day Camp that summer took part in a special ceremony.  I do not want to spoil the details for future girls but it made her feel very welcomed in our new scout community and she is enjoying all of it.  Sarah has bridged up to Brownie this May of 2013.  She is so excited to be getting a new vest and try-it book soon.  JD has moved along and will be Crossing Over to Webelos this summer.  He is very excited to one day soon become a Boy Scout.  All kids are signed up and ready for scout camps in July.

Last year we discovered that our local play house offers drama camp in the summer.  Our girls took part in the production of Alice in Wonderland .  This year they will all be participating in the drama camp production of  Dr. Doolittle.  They are all looking forward to this fun experience.

We are still using and enjoying the K12 curriculum for our studies.  Some favorite things learned this year are: Alexis learned about Watergate and the 1960's  She found both quite fascinating.  JD loved learning about the amazing first Explorers of the seas.  Prince Henry, Vasco De Gama and Ferdinand.  Sarah loved learning about Ancient Greece this year.  They all showed they have great writing skills.  And Alexis loved that she got to help the younger kids in Science class one day.  They are growing up to be such wonderful small people.

We have now lived in our house for over two years and have enjoyed our little town so much.  The people are truly amazing and have welcomed us into the community.  I can truly say that no where before has ever felt like home.  Not the same as not enjoying our time in the many places we have been.  The Navy has blessed us with many adventures and many friends.  But we finally get to say we have probably (95% sure) found our forever home, the place we want to retire and be a part of.

That really is a very tiny nutshell of our last almost two years.  But it is certainly the important parts.  Hopefully I will remember to get on and post much sooner then almost 2 years from now.

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