
Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am not really sure how it happened.  We never really discussed it or planned it.  But my Husband and I definitely have a system.  I am not even really sure I realized until this last few months.

My Husband is fun, unplanned most of the time and spontaneous.  You never know what is next and that is not always a bad thing.  I always say he will do most anything for a smile.  It is hard to deal with at times when you are me.  I am a planner. I try to have it all organized and I have a back up plan in case plan A, B or C does not work.  Sound crazy?  Yeah you are probably not alone but, neither am I.

But I have learned we balance each other.  I make sure the stuff that has to be planned is planned and in place.  He makes sure I see that when plans do not work out it is not always a bad thing.

In the last couple of months I got to do a lot of things that were not originally planned.  Like move into our first house that we bought.  And when I say we I mean me.  Somehow our plans and systems were not there to fall back on.  I say somehow but the truth is that somehow actually equals because of the Navy.

I did not realize until I was in the middle of the move and forgot to transfer medical records that we had a system in place.  There were things that my wonderful Husband did during a move and things that I did. We did not have a big planning meeting or anything it just the way things worked.  When I realized after getting my stuff at the new house that I forgot to turn off the old phone and satellite.  When I realized a car was due for an oil change.  All these things that when we are together are a piece of cake.  And by the way all but the oil change are always my job during a move.  But I was caught up doing his job because he was not here and I did not want to let us (our family unit) down by not doing his job well enough.  Yeah I am laughing too at how silly that sounds.

We go on about our lives day in and day out and do not always realize what we have.  In the end I have learned that I can do it all by myself.  But I do not want to.  I want my system back because I am a planner.  But also because my system, our system is a very key part to how our life works.  My Husband is the other half that completes me.  He does his part of the system very well and let's me do my part because he is here.  I am so glad that the Navy is returning him soon.  I need my other half so we can back to your system.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This is something that was never taught to me first hand.  It is something I learned slowly on visits to my Grandparent's house during school break.  But I remember my Grandma would always smile when people walked into their home.  Most anyone who has ever been to their house has felt instantly welcomed.  It was a feeling I did not know much about growing up but, I wanted my home to be just like that.

As parents we wonder what we are really teaching our children?  Are they picking up the important things like please and thank you?  Will they be kind to others because they should be?  Sometimes it feels like we will just need to wonder for a while.

Yesterday our friend, who also teaches my oldest piano, came down to do a lesson.  My oldest daughter went straight to the kitchen while my friend and I chatted about our new home.  I did not think much about this.  But not too much longer out she came beaming from ear to ear with a cup of coffee for our friend.  In that moment I got to see that she is learning.

She has been paying attention to the small details of a person and what makes them who they are.  What they like and enjoy.  And for her to be able to prepare a cup of coffee for someone and give it was quite something in my eyes. 

Thanks for the wisdom over the years Grandma and Grandpa I am starting to see it pass on to your legacy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hope or Pray

Have you ever noticed what happens when you interchange those words?  Lately I have.  I have noticed I try to avoid saying hope now.  Why should I hope?  I can pray.  I know prayer works.  I have seen it in my life and others.  So instead of saying I hope you feel better, I hope things get better.  I try to remember to say I pray you feel better, I pray things get better.  Give it a try.