
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer time here we come

Summer time is almost here.  We already have many fun things on our calendar and we are looking to fill it up with some more family fun.  I would like to say it is a slow down season for us, and in some ways it is.  We do slow down and stick around the house some.  It just means I can hack away at bushes and shrubs (read this as I am not a gardener), play with chalk, bubbles and read in the sunshine.  My kids can ride bikes and play catch to their hearts delight.  And every few nights it will be time to make s'mores in our backyard fire pit.

But it is also a time for near by adventures.  New hiking trails to find (Mt. St. Helens is looking good), a new fort to explore (maybe Fort Clatsop this year), finding new parks to play at.  All the while making sure we hit up all of our old favorites like Fort Vancouver, Astoria, Or., Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge and too many more to list.  On top of that we have all our local community fun like Planter's Days and impromptu BBQ's and s'mores with our neighbors.

I do not know every place we will make it to this summer.  What I do know is that we are going to have a lot of fun.  We always do.  I will try to remember to hop on and blog about it so you can join in on our adventures through the summer.

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