
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Planter's Days

In our town Summer time is kicked off with Planter's Days.  I have gone for three years now and still have not made it to every event.  It is a four day weekend packed with good old fashioned fun.  Thursday starts with sidewalk chalk art, a children's parade and fireworks. Friday marks the start of the farmer's market every week.  Saturday is packed with events from morning till evening.  We kick off with a parade through town then get busy watching frog jumping, firemen games, bed races, playing at the carnival (that also lasts all 4 days), looking at all the vendor displays and much more.  Sunday always ends with classic cars, perfect for Father's Day.  Here are some pictures of the many events we took part in this year:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wrapping it up

All of my lovely children have finished their school year officially.  All curriculum is complete and now being sorted for take back to the school next week.  We had a lot of fun at our annual end of year BBQ and awards.  Always so much fun.  I especially love how the older kids talk with the younger kids in our school program.  They treat them with the same respect they would like and the relationships and responses are so fun to watch blossom from year to year.

In the mean time once school finished for the year it seemed like a good idea to rearrange.  So currently my "classroom" space in my house (which is also our media room and play room area) is torn apart and waiting for me to finish sorting the things that need to go back on shelves.  This is great because I have found many catch all spots I am trying to eliminate and will hopefully have a tidier room now (all moms can laugh now).

Little League season has also come to an end.  Our kids and our family has been blessed by great coaches and great friends for 2 seasons now.  Our children have grown not just on the field but off the field too.  It has been so neat to watch them learn how to handle personal struggles like having good attitudes when things do not go their way.  Coming back from striking out, or missing a catch on the field.  Our whole family is looking forward to next years season already.  But truth be told we are happy to be done for now.  Now more practices or games and our season went pretty awesome!!

Scouts are all wrapping up for this year as well.  We have an end of year BBQ and awards for each group left.  Our kids always look forward to the end when they get to run around playing, eating yummy food and then celebrating every person's successes with awards.  Watching their uniforms fill up with badges is very neat to see.  Another place where our children are making great friends and so are we as adults.  It is nice to have other adults who are positive in their life also.

I suppose that is it for my end of school year wrap up.  Time to get busy sorting that pile so I can be finished with rearranging our learning and playing space.  And then we can go enjoy our towns festivities this weekend with out having chores waiting for us.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Park Days

One of my favorite good weather day activities is to sit at the park.  My kids play and play.  The equipment becomes castles, forts or dungeons.  The ground becomes lava or the ocean.  Trees are hung from and flowers picked.  Pine cones are what ever is needed for the activity: food, armory, people, pets, etc.

I sit and relax.  I enjoy the sunshine.  My kids find other kids to play with or we run into their friends.  I chat with parents or don't.  But for a few hours my kids run and I enjoy a mostly peaceful day.

Looking forward to many, many adventures at the park this summer.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


A couple years ago I wrote a blog about hostessing.  My son's tenderness this morning got me thinking about it. He woke up this morning and came in to announce he is up for the day.  And then asked, "since I am up early should I get everyone up so we can get ready for church or let them sleep?".  I asked for the time.  He told me and then asked if I wanted to sleep more.  I said no I should get up.  "Would you like some coffee Mom?"  "Yes, I would, " I replied.  He was back up shortly with a cup for me.

This is where all my thoughts get jumbled.  I see a lot mixed messages out there today. 
  • Boys need to be tough and not show emotions.
  • Boys need to listen to women and treat them better.
  • Boys should get dirty.
  • Boys should learn to play with dolls.
  • Boys are not needed in families when they become Dads.
  • Boys need to be bread winners.
  • Boys need to be care takers of their homes and children.
I know there are more.  And wow what a lot to think about.  For me it is simple, I look to the bible for our guide.  And I feel blessed to get to raise a boy even in such confusing times.

My boy is funny, wild, crazy, has big ideas, personality larger then life, is an amazing thinker, drives me nuts daily, has huge emotions that roll from happy to tears in just seconds.  I often do not understand him no matter how hard I try. 

But I hope that no matter where life takes him he keeps his tenderness.  His understanding to care for others before himself.  His ability to make someone smile just because.  His being able to show he cares.  It is ok for boys to be tender.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Taking things for granted

How many things do we take for granted in life? Might be our family, income, scenery, maybe even our health.  As I sit here looking at all the trees around our little league fields I am reminded of a friend commenting about them in one of my photos.  I now try to appreciate the scenery more purposefully.  When moved west after living in Illinois I remember being more purposeful about the mountians.  I am reminded today to look at other things in my life more purposefully.