
Sunday, June 2, 2013


A couple years ago I wrote a blog about hostessing.  My son's tenderness this morning got me thinking about it. He woke up this morning and came in to announce he is up for the day.  And then asked, "since I am up early should I get everyone up so we can get ready for church or let them sleep?".  I asked for the time.  He told me and then asked if I wanted to sleep more.  I said no I should get up.  "Would you like some coffee Mom?"  "Yes, I would, " I replied.  He was back up shortly with a cup for me.

This is where all my thoughts get jumbled.  I see a lot mixed messages out there today. 
  • Boys need to be tough and not show emotions.
  • Boys need to listen to women and treat them better.
  • Boys should get dirty.
  • Boys should learn to play with dolls.
  • Boys are not needed in families when they become Dads.
  • Boys need to be bread winners.
  • Boys need to be care takers of their homes and children.
I know there are more.  And wow what a lot to think about.  For me it is simple, I look to the bible for our guide.  And I feel blessed to get to raise a boy even in such confusing times.

My boy is funny, wild, crazy, has big ideas, personality larger then life, is an amazing thinker, drives me nuts daily, has huge emotions that roll from happy to tears in just seconds.  I often do not understand him no matter how hard I try. 

But I hope that no matter where life takes him he keeps his tenderness.  His understanding to care for others before himself.  His ability to make someone smile just because.  His being able to show he cares.  It is ok for boys to be tender.

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