
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day Camp here we come!!

Probably the largest Summer time event we attend.  It is a whole week of getting up early to pack our lunches, eat our breakfast and loading into the car for a drive to camp.  We all come home tired and so for that week things are planned to a "T".  But that is not what is so good about this.

All week our days are packed with hikes, crafts, creek walking, exploring, hiking some more and enjoying new people and new skills.

My kids come away having conquered challenges, learning new skills, new songs, new games.  And they play them and sing them all year long.  I network with othe girl scout leaders where I get new ideas and enjoy the conversations.  We all make new friends.

Day Camp has gone from a fun event to attend to the must attend event of our summer.  We are all excited to pack our lunches, back packs and eventually over night gear for this week.  The stories we will share after this week are going to be so much fun.

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