I am wrapping up our 5th year of schooling at home and using the K12 curriculum. All that to say I still learn and adjust from this program. For one I am teaching 3 children who are all very much different. Different interests, likes and dislikes. Some lessons I learn only apply to one child like, what time of the day to do certain subjects. Other lessons work for all three and I cannot believe it took me so long to figure out.
I have tried what feels like everything from following the daily plan to block schedules and any combination in between. Some how finishing vocab, GUM (Grammar Usage and Mechanics) and composition always gives us a challenge. I decided this last school year to work on one unit of vocab then switch to GUM then do a unit of comp and keep circling around like that because the daily plan did not work for us. Well it seems we still need some tweaking as this still does not feel easy yet.
In our 6th year I will be rearranging those three again. This time we plan to do all the vocab, then all the GUM and last all comp (unless we come across something in another subject). Will this work? I do not know, but it seems to be the fresh idea my family needs for next year. Please feel free to ask me in November how our change up is working. What are some things you have learned or plan to change for next year? Whether you school from your home or not changing things can be the key to your child's successes. Please share.
I like the new blog. Shall we let all parents know about it?
I am an inconsistent blogger. (hanging head) I have tried to blog off and on for about 3 years now I think. I am going to see if I can be consistent over this summer. However, I will link anything schoolish related to our school page :)
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