
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do you ever stop?

This is a question I was asked the other night. As we were driving home that night I saw the moon and asked my children if they knew what phase it was in. Sadly by the time we pulled in the driveway they could not see it.

My children leaped out of the car and asked permission to cross the street so they could look better. So we did. My neighbors were out talking and could not believe my children were running full speed across the street (after looking both ways) and then staring at the sky. Then they asked if they could make their way down the street for a better look.

My neighbors asked me when I crossed what was going on. I told them the kids were looking to see what phase the moon is in. One of my neighbors asked me, "Do you ever stop?" I could not help but reply, "No, there is always something, somewhere that we can learn about."

I love that we never stop

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